Top 5 Trends in Construction Logistics

Men at Work By Kelsea Mann We’ve synthesized multiple sources from recent weeks to bring you an updated list of the top 5 Trends in Construction Logistics.  The Internet of Things  StartUs defines the Internet of Things (IoT) as “a connection of physical devices that monitor and transfer data via the internet and without humanContinueContinue reading “Top 5 Trends in Construction Logistics”

Why Focusing on Sustainability Can Improve and Grow Businesses

All Images Courtesy of Pexels By Kelsea Mann Before COVID-19 took over our lives and newsfeeds, fighting climate change and focusing on sustainable living was the latest rising trend. Climate Strikes and plastic straws were just a few of the responses to rising ocean levels and natural disasters which took place in 2018-2019. Although theseContinueContinue reading “Why Focusing on Sustainability Can Improve and Grow Businesses”

Top 3 Emerging Logistics Trends 2021

By Kelsea Mann As we are now a few years into the new year for 2021, you might be wondering how logistics trends are changing for this year. 2020 brought us a lot of change, with the pandemic rapidly increasing digitalization, new trends are surely on the horizon for this year. Vaccinations and the springContinueContinue reading “Top 3 Emerging Logistics Trends 2021”

Understanding the Big and Bulky Delivery Category

Provided by By Kelsea Mann Most businesses that handle supply chain management have been challenged by the big and bulky category. These are your shipments that aren’t small enough to be sent via the mail, but aren’t large enough to warrant taking out an entire truck to ship. Another case could be when youContinueContinue reading “Understanding the Big and Bulky Delivery Category”

Defining ‘the Amazon Effect’ for Modern Businesses

Image provided by @chokniti By Kelsea Mann In our last blog post, we discussed the effects of COVID-19 on the last mile delivery market. In this week’s post, we’ll dive deeper into how retail giant Amazon is shaping the market, and permanently changing how customers shop. According to an article, the Amazon Effect isContinueContinue reading “Defining ‘the Amazon Effect’ for Modern Businesses”

How Has Covid-19 Impacted the Global Last-Mile Delivery Market, and How Can Your Company Adapt?

Smiling young delivery man in medical mask holding and carrying a cardbox thumb up isolated on blue background By Kelsea Mann The COVID-19 Pandemic and subsequent quarantine period for most countries has significantly impacted market trends in ecommerce. A Staff and Bloomberg Report showed that “COVID-19 related shifts in buying behavior translated to an additionalContinueContinue reading “How Has Covid-19 Impacted the Global Last-Mile Delivery Market, and How Can Your Company Adapt?”

What is PartRunner, and How Can it Work for Any Business?

By Kelsea Mann As a consumer, you might’ve noticed that it’s easier now than ever before to get a product in a near immediate amount of time. Companies like Amazon and Uber have revolutionized the delivery service, and they’ve done it through expanding the network of delivery options they have on hand. Regardless of yourContinueContinue reading “What is PartRunner, and How Can it Work for Any Business?”

What Is A Decentralized Supply Chain, and How Can It Improve Your Company?

By PartRunner Although every company has a supply chain, each is complex and spans many levels of production and exchange relationships. Many companies prefer to use a centralized supply chain model, concentrating all their production and profits around the same location. While this model may seem convenient at first, research shows it can result inContinueContinue reading “What Is A Decentralized Supply Chain, and How Can It Improve Your Company?”

Winter Weather Calls For Improvement Projects

With winter weather, many people decide not to complete home improvement projects. Why is this? People think that home improvement projects pertain to mainly the outdoors such as backyards, pools, etc. However, consider renovating your kitchen or bathroom during a winter blizzard. What better to pass the time than to improve the place you sleep,ContinueContinue reading “Winter Weather Calls For Improvement Projects”

Top New Trends for Wholesale Distribution in 2021

Wholesale distribution typically involves buying products in bulk, storing them, and then selling them off to other businesses in smaller quantities. During the COVID-19 pandemic, wholesale distribution has played a pivotal role in maintaining global supply chains. Despite its importance, the wholesale industry has undergone significant changes in the past year. Due to drastically shiftedContinueContinue reading “Top New Trends for Wholesale Distribution in 2021”