How PartRunner Combats the Last-Mile Delivery Problem

Perfecting your company’s last-mile logistics plan is essential to providing a fast and reliable delivery experience for your customers. Even though many businesses realize the importance of last-mile logistics, nearly all struggle to implement and pay for a successful system. According to a study conducted by Statista, the average last-mile delivery cost per order wasContinueContinue reading “How PartRunner Combats the Last-Mile Delivery Problem”

How PartRunner Can Reduce Your Per-Mile Delivery Costs

Whether your business is in a city congested with traffic or in a rural suburb many miles away from your customers, completing deliveries can be challenging for everyone. Considering that last-mile logistics account for 53% of the total cost of shipping and 41% of supply chain costs, it is not surprising that businesses in theContinueContinue reading “How PartRunner Can Reduce Your Per-Mile Delivery Costs”

How PartRunner Has Adapted to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Job sites across the country are reopening, but day-to-day operations may never be the same. From further emphasizing job site safety to experiencing longer project delivery times, the construction and trades industry has been significantly altered by the global pandemic. According to an online survey conducted by the Associated General Contractors of America, 28% ofContinueContinue reading “How PartRunner Has Adapted to the COVID-19 Pandemic”

How PartRunner’s Services Combat Job Site Inefficiency

Everyone benefits when a project is completed on time and under budget. Whether you work as a supplier, a contractor, or for a business, accomplishing tasks on time and in an affordable manner is imperative for your success. Yet, according to a recent study, nearly two-thirds (61%) of projects finished behind schedule, and almost halfContinueContinue reading “How PartRunner’s Services Combat Job Site Inefficiency”