When should you use last mile service?

According to Statista, in 2020 the revenue generated by ecommerce reached $431 billion, as the pandemic boosted the number of users shopping online. What do customers look for when shopping online?Among several factors, one of the most important is the shipping of the product, which is expected to be fast and even free. As aContinueContinue reading “When should you use last mile service?”

What Is A Decentralized Supply Chain, and How Can It Improve Your Company?

By PartRunner Although every company has a supply chain, each is complex and spans many levels of production and exchange relationships. Many companies prefer to use a centralized supply chain model, concentrating all their production and profits around the same location. While this model may seem convenient at first, research shows it can result inContinueContinue reading “What Is A Decentralized Supply Chain, and How Can It Improve Your Company?”

How Advanced Analytics Can Transform Your Delivery System

In a world where businesses are expected to efficiently provide on-time deliveries, quickly adjust to new orders, and reliably reduce the risk of delivery errors, advanced analytics are no longer a helpful addition to your company’s logistics plan; they are a necessity. Specifically, advanced analytics use mathematical and statistical formulas and algorithms to generate newContinueContinue reading “How Advanced Analytics Can Transform Your Delivery System”

How COVID-19 Will Continue to Impact the Construction Industry

Since appearing in Wuhan, China more than 10 months ago, COVID-19 has spread throughout the world to more than 44.6 million people, and the effects of the virus have been felt on job sites all across the country. Due to the global pandemic, construction companies in the US have dealt with increased layoffs, project shutdowns,ContinueContinue reading “How COVID-19 Will Continue to Impact the Construction Industry”

Why Working with PartRunner Beats Hiring a Delivery Driver

Many small businesses wonder what it takes to manage all of their own delivery needs. To start, it will cost around $29,000 to purchase a delivery vehicle, $37,00 a year to hire a professional driver, and even more for insurance, maintenance, and fuel. If these expenses seem intimidating for your growing business, then there isContinueContinue reading “Why Working with PartRunner Beats Hiring a Delivery Driver”

How Amazon Impacts the Construction and Trades Industry

From its founding in 1994 as an online bookstore, Amazon has grown into one of the most successful online retail companies in the entire world. According to CNN, in 2019 Amazon earned $232.9 billion dollars in revenue, and of that, $10.1 billion was net profit. Additionally, some estimates show that Amazon has a 38.7% marketContinueContinue reading “How Amazon Impacts the Construction and Trades Industry”

How PartRunner Can Reduce Your Per-Mile Delivery Costs

Whether your business is in a city congested with traffic or in a rural suburb many miles away from your customers, completing deliveries can be challenging for everyone. Considering that last-mile logistics account for 53% of the total cost of shipping and 41% of supply chain costs, it is not surprising that businesses in theContinueContinue reading “How PartRunner Can Reduce Your Per-Mile Delivery Costs”

How PartRunner Has Adapted to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Job sites across the country are reopening, but day-to-day operations may never be the same. From further emphasizing job site safety to experiencing longer project delivery times, the construction and trades industry has been significantly altered by the global pandemic. According to an online survey conducted by the Associated General Contractors of America, 28% ofContinueContinue reading “How PartRunner Has Adapted to the COVID-19 Pandemic”